Young People Need Estate Planning Too!

Young People Need Estate Planning Too!

Once your child turns 18, they are defined under the law as adults. Smart and conscientious professionals know that it is a misconception that you have to be old or rich to have an estate plan. Often, having an estate plan is part and parcel of accumulating wealth,...
Funding Your Trust

Funding Your Trust

Funding your trust is critical – the estate planning process consists of two steps; 1. Create the plan and express your wishes with respect to who gets what of your estate and who will assist in the management of that trust estate; and 2. Fund your trust whereby...
When to Start Your Estate Plan

When to Start Your Estate Plan

Friends and family have asked us repeatedly when a person or couple should start their estate plan. The short answer is always the same- right now! Of course, we hasten to add to minors and people just getting started with financial stability that the list of things...